MCI®-2022 Sealer, Patented

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Description: MCI®-2022 is a water-based, water-repelling sealer for concrete, brick, masonry units, etc. It is a ready to-use product and is made up of a low VOC blend of silane/siloxane emulsions and time-proven Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®). MCI-2022 penetrates the concrete, seals its surface and prevents carbonation and intrusion of water and chlorides. Treated concrete surfaces are fully breathable and their natural moisture-vapor transmissions are not affected.

Application: Reinforced structures, concrete reinforced bridges. Applications - bridges, buildings, garages, decks, and lanais.

Protection: 125-175 ft2/gal (3.0-4.2 m2/l).

Package: 5 gal (19 l) and 55 gal (208 l)

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